Technology is redefining the international financial services sector and the way companies interact with their clients and customers. New players are bringing new rules to the table in terms of investing in new but unproven technologies, disruptive of legacy financial industry and physical infrastructure.
FinTech challenges established ideas but also provides an opportunity for existing market participants to diversify their product range, improve efficiencies, manage risk more effectively and reach a wider customer base.
Our recent FinTech experience includes:
Represented a subscriber in the 1 st round of Telegram pre-ICO (for a sum of USD 50 mio)
Represented a creditor in regard to the enforcement of an investment in the 2nd round of Telegram pre-ICO
Advised a regional government of a European country in respect to the contemplated draft legislation on cryptocurrencies
Setting up various Swiss companies active in cryptocurrencies, ICOs and blockchain based technology in general, including dealing with related regulatory matters
Providing legal opinions to different clients related to legal and compliance issues